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C.H.O.O.S.E. Program

C.H.O.O.S.E. Cops Helping Our Own Seniors in Emergencies

In an effort to better serve the Village of Phoenix, the C.H.O.O.S.E. program was founded in the spring of 2014 by Chief Nerber.

The program has two components; the first includes having the participant provide their pertinent medical medication.  This section assists in the event of a medical emergency by providing information as to where a list of current medication can be located, and also allows the participant to designate an emergency contact person.  If an EMS call is dispatched, the officer would be able to assist EMS in locating a list of medications, notifying the designated emergency contact person and bypassing EMS and hospital personnel trying to secure that information on their own.

The second component involves checking on the participant.  each month, an officer will stop by and visit each participant who chooses to have checks conducted.  General conversation includes any changes in his/her health since the last visit, and this also provides an opportunity for the participants to express any concerns they have.

The checks component is optional; not all participant want an officer to check in on them, but they do provide the pertinent medical information in the event of an emergency medical situation.

This program is FREE to all village residents!